Dr. Harris has lived in Florida most of her life.  She received an Engineering degree and her Dental degree from the University of Florida.  Dr. Harris loved the Gators so much, she chose to stay and do her Orthodontics residency there, also!

Dr. Harris has been a private practice Orthodontist since 2010.  She genuinely cares about each and every patient (and their family) and she loves to see a “new smile” improve a patient’s happiness and self-esteem.  Dr. Harris is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to our community.

Dr. Harris is married to her high school sweetheart, Adam, and they have a daughter, Hannah, and a son, Charlie.  Dr. Harris loves being a mom, and she tries to put herself in each parent’s shoes as she decides on the best treatment for patients. Call Palm Orthodontics Today or Schedule Your First Appointment.